ROME — The 2023 WOOMB International (Billings Ovulation Method®) Conference in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the discovery was held at the Sacred Heart University, Gemelli in Rome on 28–29 April. The theme of the conference was: THE “BILLINGS REVOLUTION” 70 YEARS LATER—from fertility knowledge to personalised medicine.

In a message to the participants, Pope Francis highlighted the Billings Ovulation Method® ongoing contribution to the understanding of human sexuality and to a fuller appreciation of the relational and procreative dimensions of the couple, saying that use of methods based on the natural rhythms of fertility should be encouraged.
“We need to discover the beauty of human sexuality by once again turning to the great book of nature, learning to respect the value of the body and the generation of life, with a view to authentic experiences of conjugal love”.
A number of interesting papers were presented from researchers from around the world.

The conference attracted over 200 delegates from many countries in Europe, Asia, Australasia and the Americas. Malaysia was represented by Dr LL Chan, Vice-President of the Billings Ovulation Method® Service of Malaysia as well as an Associate Director of WOOMB International.
Conference papers were classified into four sessions:
- A Revolution for Science: history & development of research
- A Revolution for Reproductive Health: diagnosis & prevention
- A Revolution for Culture: anthropology, education, politics
- The ‘Billings Revolution’ around the world

After the two days conference, many of the delegates stayed behind for Basic or Extension Training Program. Dr Chan did too as he has always found that during the training program he will learn something new to upskill himself for helping others.
On Wednesday, 3 May 2023, the group were at St Peter’s Square for the Papal Audience.