When God invites us to step outside our comfort zones

Aleksey Matrenin | Silvlandia | Khaled Louis Fazely | Collage by Aleteia

By Daniel Esparza

Discovering new things doesn’t require a complete overhaul. It’s more about a shift in mindset, a willingness to embrace the new within the familiar.

Life, like a well-worn book, can feel familiar and comforting. We settle into routines, build careers, and establish families. Yet, there are times when the pages seem to lose their luster, and a yearning for something more stirs within us. The Bible offers a beautiful perspective on navigating these moments of change.

In the Book of Revelation (21:5) we find a radical promise of renewal: “He who sits upon the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new.’” God, in His infinite wisdom, doesn’t promise a boring existence. He offers us the transformative power of renewal, a chance to rewrite chapters and discover new depths in our faith and ourselves.

This doesn’t mean we should ignore commitment and stability. After all, we all thrive on dependable routines—including regular prayer, sacraments, and service. These are the pillars upon which a fulfilling Catholic life is built. However, stability doesn’t have to equate to stagnation. The key is to cultivate an open spirit, a willingness to see the world with fresh eyes. Consider Mary, a young woman chosen for an extraordinary task. Her fiat (yes) to God (Luke 1:38) opened the door to a radically new chapter — a pivotal moment in human history.

Silvlandia | Khaled Louis Fazely | Shutterstock | Collage by Aleteia

Nudged toward the new

Embracing change, even when it disrupts our comfort zone, can lead us to paths we never imagined. Maybe it’s a nudge towards learning a new skill, volunteering for a cause that sparks your passion, or simply devoting time to a neglected creative pursuit. As we explore these new frontiers, we might uncover hidden talents, form meaningful connections, or gain a deeper understanding of our faith.

Think of the disciples after Jesus’ ascension. They were devastated by Jesus’ absence, facing an uncertain future. But the Holy Spirit’s descent (Acts 2) ignited a fire within them, propelling them to spread the Gospel with renewed purpose. Change, guided by faith, can be a catalyst for remarkable growth.

The world around us is always changing, and so should our perspective. By stepping outside our comfort zone, even if a little bit, we can discover the beauty of the new – and see how God works in unexpected ways. A chance encounter with a stranger could turn into a lifelong friendship, or a seemingly mundane task could spark a brilliant idea.

Aleksey Matrenin | Khaled Louis Fazely | Collage by Aleteia

Remember, discovering new things doesn’t require a complete overhaul. It’s more about a shift in mindset, a willingness to embrace the new within the familiar. As we embrace these possibilities, we pave the way for God’s transformative power to work in our lives, fulfilling the promise of Revelation: a life constantly renewed.



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