Urgent need to raise awareness of depression among youths

Intervention and reaching out to those suffering from social issues like depression can help prevent cases of suicide. (Image: Pixabay)

KUCHING — The case of the 16-year-old girl who leapt to her death after running a poll among her Instagram followers on Monday serves to highlight the need to make more Sarawak youths aware of the dangers of depression.

Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and Sports Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah believes the teenager may have been a victim of depression and felt she did not have anyone to talk to about her state.

“I find it sad to see youngsters take their own life because of the feeling of being depressed. This is because I believe all youths have a bright future as they are still young of age.

“It is important that those who know of friends or others who may be depressed or contemplating suicide, to intervene and offer to help,” he told reporters after holding a press conference on the Top Outstanding Young Malaysians (TOYM) 2019 Awards Ceremony, here yesterday.

He also called on youths to refrain from turning to social media as a means to solve their problems, saying there are many channels available for them to turn to in dealing with whatever problems they may be facing, especially emotional problems.

On another matter, Abdul Karim said his ministry remains focused on organising more youth-related programmes and activities, and encouraged youths in the state to take the initiative to get involved.

“More programmes for the youths are being introduced from time to time by my ministry. We do that because we want the youths in Sarawak to have a platform for them to grow into the type of youths who can be useful members of society,” he said.

He also commented that the older generation must take it upon themselves to guide youths towards the right path.

“Youths will always need guidance, and I believe it is the responsibility of the older generation to shape youngsters into becoming someone who has a bright future.” BP


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