University leaders plan for 2024

PENANG  Twenty-five student leaders met recently to enrich their spiritual lives and brainstorm creative initiatives for the upcoming year’s events.

Representing public and private higher education institutions, they gathered at Stella Maris Retreat Centre December 1 – 3. Facilitated by the Penang Diocesan Youth Network (PDYN), the programme was aimed at fostering a tighter-knit community among youth groups.

The event commenced with a registration session, dinner and followed by an engaging ice-breaking session, songs and games. The day concluded with a serene Taize prayer session, uniting participants in reflection and spirituality.

The following day, Fr Simon Anand led a session on Faith, Hope, and Love, drawing inspiration from Romans 8:24-30. He emphasised the tangible impact of these virtues on leadership and ministry. “Faith, hope, and love are not merely abstract concepts but are transformative forces that have the power to shape our leadership and bring us closer to God. Our faith gives us the courage to step into the unknown. Hope is a beacon of light that shines in the darkest of times and Love, invites us to move beyond our own selfinterests, to become vessels of divine grace creating positive change in the world around us,” said Fr Simon, who is head of PDYN.

The day continued with team building activities designed to encourage collaborative group dynamics, showcasing the participants’ creativity as they worked together to promote activities that required support and encouragement from the entire team.

Discussions on leadership types, methodologies, and phases of team development were punctuated by a session where participants delved deeper, asking pertinent questions and gaining insights into effective leadership strategies.

On the third day, participants were divided into groups based on their campus, ministry, and parish affiliations for focused discussions. Each group enthusiastically contributed ideas for activities in the forthcoming year, which were collated and submitted to PDYN representatives, Jason Alexander and Serena Jonius, for evaluation.

The PDYN Council concluded with the Eucharistic celebration, and before departing, participants captured shared moments with group photos, signifying the bonds formed during the enriching gathering.

Herald Malaysia


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