Touch My Heart young people of Miri

Fr Henry Saleh celebrates Mass with the youth.

SG ENTULANG, MIRI — Indai Maria Bukit Peninjau Parish organised a three-day camp themed Touch My Heart, at a longhouse in Sungai Entulang for several Miri youth to learn about the Church’s mission and to bring them closer to Jesus Christ, their friend.

The retreat masters were two young priests, Fr Sylvester Ngau, Fr Henry Saleh, and Sr Dorothy Kuek from the Human Life Service team.

Fr Sylvester led the first session on The heart that worships. He said, “Our Saviour is our refuge and our friend. At times, we are lost, with no one to listen to us, and our hearts are troubled. He is our friend, whom we can talk to. Spending more time with God will lead us closer to Him.”

Fr Henry touched on A loving heart in the second session. They were divided into groups and given a chapter from the Bible to study together. It was the first time many learned more about the Bible.

Serve with a Good Heart in our ministry was the next session, led by Fr Henry. He elaborated on the keywords: Words, Action, Faith, and Sanctity. Retreatants were reminded to talk and act with good manners and behave well. He also told them to be firm in their faith and not be shaken by their weaknesses. Finally, Fr Henry shared about sanctity and reiterated the temptations of the world, namely lust, and not to follow these desires. “Be wise and let the Holy Spirit guide you,” said the priest.

Sr Dorothy presented the final session on saving babies from abortion and how to uphold the value and dignity of human life. She played a video on the early life of babies, and testimonies of babies who were about to be aborted, to teach her young audience to appreciate their life as perfect people even if they are not physically perfect.

The parish hoped the camp touched the attendees’ hearts and would draw them to be closer to their community and parish, and to the gentle charm of Christ.

Miri Diocese Youth


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