St Peter’s Parish celebrates Children’s Christmas party at Our Lady Star of the Sea...

It is Christmas time again and as one of its annual activities of the year, St Peter’s Parish held its Children’s Christmas party on Sunday, 22 December at their outpost branch, Our Lady Star of the Sea Church.

Uplifting experience for St Joseph’s Private School students and scouts at Home of Peace

On 2 November, a trip to the Home of Peace was organised by the school as part of St Joseph’s Social Outreach Programme (StJoSOP) for the class of Form 4 Science Phi and the School Scouts.

Malaysian Catholic Youth Ministers in solidarity to serve young people

Helen Keller said, “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” In the same spirit, youth ministers of the Malaysian Catholic Youth Ministers Committee (MCYMC) from all the Catholic dioceses in Malaysia,

Hymn and Roses for Our Blessed Mother Mary

The 17th Worldwide Children’s Eucharistic Holy Hour (WWCEHH) at Blessed Sacrament Church on 4 October began with a welcome and introduction at Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto.

1,500 belia sertai Hari Belia St Ann 2019

Hari Belia St Ann 2019 (SAYD19) pada tahun ini telah diadakan pada 14-16 September lalu di Gereja St John De Brebeuf, Kampung Tematu, Zon Semeba.

Confirmands told to cherish the gifts of the Holy Spirit

On 2 October, 68 Sunday School students from both the English and Chinese Level 10 class from Blessed Sacrament Church received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Archbishop Simon Poh