Empowered Squares
About 30 youths gathered over a Zoom call for a fun time of learning and laughter on 31 July, Friday evening.
“LAKSA for our JIWA”… A “Must Try” for Every Hungry Christian
The Youth Commission of our Kuching Archdiocese keeps in touch with our young people in a “delicious and healthy” way during this quarantine period with its latest project dubbed as “LAKSA for our JIWA”. Hear about it. See and taste it yourself.
Winning with the Bible
For the first time ever, the Bible Knowledge (BK) quiz organised by the Malayan Christian Schools’ Council (MCSC) annually was held online this year due to the pandemic Covid-19.
SJPS performs 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
The students, teachers, staff and friends of St Joseph’s Private School under the direction of a teacher of the school, Mr Benedict JC Lo, got together during the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) to perform the cover of this song.
Pope Francis tells youth at Medjugorje: be inspired by the Virgin Mary
Pope Francis has urged young people gathered in Medjugorje to imitate the Virgin Mary by abandoning themselves to God.
Virtual Dance Video Project
During MCO, the EMPOWERED Dance and Drama Team organised a virtual dance project involving over 20 youths and produced a dance video to the song, "We Won’t Back Down" by Seth and Nirva.