Easter Fitness Challenge

A special Easter project was initiated by EMPOWERED on 25 April 2021 to stir some fun and promote a healthier lifestyle.

Young Indian Catholics helping people affected by COVID-19

Across the country, the Indian Catholic Youth Movement has mobilised to help, from handing out food parcels to helping families bury or cremate their loved ones.

Parents happy children finally able to receive First Holy Communion

A batch of 49 candidates from Blessed Sacrament Church Parish who had prepared for the sacrament of Eucharist in 2020, received their First Holy Communion (FHC) in groups of 4-5 from 12-23 May 2021.

School organises SPM Bible Knowledge seminar on new exam format

St Joseph’s Private School Kuching organised an online SPM Bible Knowledge Seminar on 13 May, attended by more than 300 participants from over 110 schools all over Malaysia.

Vatican offers guidelines for diocesan WYD celebrations

The Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life held a press conference on Tuesday to present some “Pastoral Guidelines for the Celebration of World Youth Day in the Particular Churches.”


The first THINKTALK session was held on a Friday evening (30 April) via Zoom with a total of 14 youth and young adult participants from the different parishes within the Archdiocese of Kuching.