SJPS Graduates of 2020 share testimonies on Bible Knowledge as an SPM Subject
Are you a Form 5 student, considering Bible Knowledge as an SPM subject? Graduate students of St Joseph's Private School (SJPS) Year 2020 offer their insight and experience of taking Bible Knowledge as a subject in SPM.
Amidst Covid-19, KCM moves on!
No lockdown nor pandemic has barred Kuching Campus Ministry to hold its new committee election and its welcoming gathering.
Youth volunteering at vaccination centres
St Therese of Lisieux reminds us that “nothing is small in the eyes of God. Do all that you do with love.” Volunteering is a way to demonstrate our love for our neighbours.
Thousands register for Sabah Youth Day-5
A total of 2,594 youths from the three Arch/ dioceses in Sabah (Kota Kinabalu, Keningau and Sandakan) have registered for the Virtual Sabah Youth Day-5 (SYD5), July 19-23.
Christ is Risen! Hallelujah!
In the joy of Easter, EMPOWERED organised an IG Live Session on 7 May 2021 featuring guest speaker Fr Stanley Goh, SJ and hosts Brian Chin and Francis Davin from EMPOWERED.
Youths gather to pray
Throughout the five Sundays in May, EMPOWERED hosted weekly Prayer Gatherings over Google Meet to commemorate our Blessed Mother Mary during the month of the Rosary.