Pope on Diocesan Youth Day: ‘Arise, bear witness to Jesus with your lives’

Pope Francis releases his message for the 2021 Diocesan World Youth Day, and calls on young Christians to courageously bear witness to Jesus Christ, in the footsteps of St. Paul.

Young Catholics call for more solidarity and fraternity in Europe

Young Catholics call for more solidarity and fraternity in Europe. COMECE President, Cardinal Hollerich, reminds them that they are the future but they are also “Europe now”.


Alumni Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Apostolate Ke-27 (AKAYA-27) telah menganjurkan satu perjumpaan dalam talian pada 21 Ogos 2021 dengan menggunakan platform Zoom Meeting.

Pope to young people in Slovakia: dream fearlessly

Pope Francis’ last event in Košice was a meeting with young people in the city’s Lokomotiva Stadium, where Blessed Anna Kolesarova was beatified in 2018.

Let’s Talk Grief

EMPOWERED conducted a Facebook Live Session on 27 August 2021, featuring Claudia Law and Ralph Balan as speakers and Emmanuel Foong as host to discuss on GRIEF and what God desires for us.

IG LIVE: A biblical Walk Through the Mass

EMPOWERED Ministry organised an IG Live Session on 6 August 2021 to discuss the many questions posed by participants.