Toxic Christianity – The reality and the truth

Have we not paid enough attention attending to the issues pertaining to what is happening within our church community and the one holy Catholic and apostolic Church?

SJIS wins 2 Golds, 1 Silver and 1 Bronze in Queen’s Commonwealth Essay 2021

In the last week of September, four students from St Joseph’s International School received surprising, but wonderful news.

International Day of the Girl Child: educating girls for the future of all

Marking the annual International Day of the Girl Child, the new Superior General of the Congregation of the Apostolic Carmel talks about her Order's mission to empower girls through education, for their good and for the good of all.

Celebrating 19th Worldwide Children’s Eucharistic Holy Hour amidst COVID-19 pandemic

The Pontifical Holy Childhood under the Pontifical Mission Societies for Malaysia Singapore and Brunei, organised the 19th Worldwide Children’s Eucharistic Holy Hour on 1 October.

Pope encourages young people in effort to shape better future for food

Pope Francis on Friday urged a youth-led movement, which aims to tackle the world’s food crisis by transforming global food systems.

Catholic student in Rome wins top Arabic-reading prize

Have you ever read 50 books in your native tongue and then written a one-page summary of each of them? Now imagine doing the same in a language which is not your own.