Gatherings during Lent
During the lent season EMPOWERED organised a few gatherings where the youths came together on Friday evenings for a time of prayer, catch...
Pengalaman Doa Taizé dari belia Parish Youth Ministry (PYM) Paroki Our Lady Queen of...
Seramai 57 orang belia termasuk ibu bapa dari lima zon iaitu CYM zon Sri Aman, CYM zon Lubuk Antu, CYM zon Skrang, CYM zon Betong dan CYM...
Belia Holy Spirit memulakan aktiviti bersama
PYM Paroki Holy Spirit Lundu menjalankan Rekoleksi pada 2 April (5.00 pm – 8.30 pm). Program ini disertai seramai 89 belia dari 17 gereja...
Indonesian Catholic youth hailed as hero for building churches
An Indonesian Catholic youth has been honored with a prestigious award for his inspiring initiative of building more than 150 churches in...
During this season of LENT, Kuching Campus Ministry (KCM) and Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Commission (KAYC) would like to invite you to join their YOUTH...
SPM & STPM Examination Mass: students to be ‘open to grow and learn’
The Sarawak Catholic Teachers’ Guild live-streamed an online SPM & STPM Examination Mass on YouTube on 13 February 2022 (Friday) at 7.30 pm.