Holy See: Young people are agents of change for sustainable agriculture

Young people are beacons of hope for a more sustainable agriculture amidst increasing food shortages – primarily due to conflict, COVID-19...

Archdiocesan Youth Commission shares synodal journey with SHC parish youth

RESPONDING to the Holy Father’s call for a synodal church, the Kota Kinabalu Archdiocesan Youth Commission (AYC) has been making pastoral...

Use the Holy Spirit to make good choices

“The Holy Spirit is given to you in the Sacrament of Confirmation to enable you to make good choices and decisions throughout your life.”

KAMI KUDUS helps us to continue following Him

KAMI KUDUS Tamil was held at MBS Recreation and Training Centre from May 14 to 15. KAMI KUDUS — Close contact with Jesus is a weekend...

Confirmands told to submit to guidance of the Holy Spirit

On 5 June 2022, Pentecost Sunday, 9 students from the Sunday School of St Peter’s Church were blessed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit when they received the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Vocation Sunday Special: Is God calling You?

The informal exchange of dialogue between priests, religious and youths turned out to be enlightening and interesting.