Worldwide children’s Eucharistic Holy Hour
KUCHING — 1 October saw the celebration of the Feast of St Theresa of Lisieux and the start of the Rosary month. Some 100...
More green for Home of Peace
KOTA PADAWAN — On 10 October, St Faustina’s community of Taman Landeh, Modern Home and Penrissen Estate planted trees at the Home of Peace...
New longhouse at CMPC Mt Singai completed
KUCHING — The construction of the New Long House at CMPC Mt Singai, Bau that started on 16 July 2007 is now fully completed...
Joint re-collection day at St Peter’s Church
KUCHING — Over eighty priests and lay leaders of the Archdiocese reflected jointly on “Love One Another As I Have Loved You” (Jn 13:34)...
Friends of St Peter’s College Celebration
KUCHING — St Peter’s College held a Thanksgiving Mass and Fellowship on 3 November as a gesture of thanks to its benefactors. About 500...
Battles on the Great Wall
The Great Wall of China was initially created as separated walls to guard their land from invasions by different states just before the unification...