Synodality: A conversion aimed at becoming more missionary
The Final Document, adopted today after each of its 155 paragraphs were approved, has been published, and will not become the basis of an...
What must I do to inherit eternal life?
On 12 October, the congregation joined the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) to wish Fr Leonard Yap, the rector of Blessed Sacrament Church...
Launching of Rosary devotion month at Chapel of Mother Mary
A Holy Mass followed by a candlelight procession of the statue of Our Lady and Rosary prayers at the Grotto was held on Tuesday, 1 October...
A Milestone in the Faith Journey of 318 Students
On 27 September 2024, Sacred Heart Church, Kota Sentosa, witnessed a significant event as 318 students received the Sacrament of the Holy...
‘He Loved Us’: Pope Francis’ new encyclical on the Sacred Heart of Jesus
“Dilexit nos,” Pope Francis’ fourth Encyclical, retraces the tradition and relevance of thought on “the human and divine love of the heart...
Malaysian delegate highlights importance of Synodality in Asia amid extremism
In a report by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) News, Fr. Clarence Davedassan, director of Kuala Lumpur’s...