Chapel Of Mother Mary, Stutong Sacrament Of Confirmation

On Sunday, 6 October 2024, 23 Sunday School Students from the Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong received the Sacrament of Confirmation after...

CBCMSB: In Response to the Incident at St Joseph Church, Bukit Timah, Singapore

We, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei, stand in solidarity with the Archdiocese of Singapore following...

Knife attack at the altar, Singapore priest wounded

Fr Christopher Lee was stabbed last night in St Joseph's Cathedral by a person with a history of drug offences. He underwent surgery and...

EMPOWERED organises Rosary Prayer Night

Members and leaders of EMPOWERED Ministry, together with three seminarians, came together for a Rosary Prayer Night on Friday, 11 October...

What would Jesus do at funerals?

Approaching the celebrations of All Saints and All Souls in our Church, a Youth Gathering with the theme ‘What Would Jesus Do At Funerals’...

Pope Francis: Hope is a gift and duty for every Christian

The Jubilee of 2025, a holy year that I wanted to dedicate to the theme “Pilgrims of Hope”, is a propitious occasion to reflect on this...