Easter Vigil Mass: 21 RCIA Elects receive Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation
21 Elects from the 2022/2023 RCIA classes completed the Rites of Initiation at the Easter Vigil on 8 April 2023 at Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC.
Fr Vincent Chin celebrates his 68th Birthday
Fr Vincent Chin, the rector of St Peter’s Church, Padungan was treated to a dinner at a local restaurant by relatives and close friends on...
39 Reception Candidates of SJC Parish profess their faith
On 21 and 23 March 2023, 39 Reception Candidates from St Joseph Cathedral Parish’s BM and English RCIA made their profession into the faith.
Visiting Priests from Diocese of Sintang, West Kalimantan concelebrate BM Mass in Kuching
A total of 12 priests and 12 lay persons from the Diocesan Curia from the Diocese of Sintang, West Kalimantan recently visited the...
Stations of the Cross resumes at CMM Stutong this Lent
During this Lenten season, the Stations of the Cross devotion are held at the Chapel of Mother Mary Stutong, every Friday night at 7.30 pm from 24 February – 31 March 2023.
Newly appointed Malaysian Ambassador to Brazil gives thanks for her Mission School education
On 27 February 2023, Her Excellency Gloria Tiwet, the newly appointed Malaysian Ambassador to Brazil had her thanksgiving Mass celebrated...