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Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong welcomes four new catechumens

During the First Sunday of Lent Mass on 6 March 2022, out of the 90 parishioners attending the 9.30 am Mass at the Chapel of Mother Mary...

CMM Stutong celebrates Ash Wednesday with three Masses

At the Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong, three separate Ash Wednesday Masses were celebrated at 7.00 am, 11.00 am and 8.00 pm.

CMM Stutong ushers in Year of the Tiger with Holy Mass

Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong celebrated Chinese New Year 2022 with a Combined Mass on Tuesday, 1 February 2022 at 9.00 am.

Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong celebrates Christmas Day Mass 2021

At the Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong, two masses were celebrated during Christmas Day, morning mass and evening mass.

Holy Spirit Church welcomes 51 new Catechumens and 73 Confirmands

On 13 November 2021, 51 RCIA candidates received the Sacrament of Baptism, while three (3) received the Rite of Reception, at the newly...

St Joseph’s Cathedral Parish receives food aid from The Hills, Kuching

The Archdiocese is in the midst of procuring more essential items to top-up. These food baskets will eventually be distributed this Advent season....