Minor basilica’s commitment to recycling
Basilica of St Anne is poised to celebrate a significant milestone in 2025 as its recycling programme reaches its 25th anniversary.
Retret Gabungan Majlis Pastoral Paroki (2024-2026) bertemakan Misi Paroki “Menjadi Lambang Iman”
Ketika Gereja memasuki permulaan musim Prapaskah pada hari Rabu Abu, satu retret Majlis Pastoral Paroki gabungan Katedral Hati Kudus...
Baptism does not solve everything, reminds Archbishop
Nine hundred and forty-one catechumens from 18 parishes and two churches within the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu were officially enrolled...
OLOL welcomes son of parish as new priest
The Church of Our Lady of Lourdes (OLOL) celebrated the ordination of her 22nd priest, marking the end of an 18-year gap.
Celebrating Christian Unity Week
The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) hosted a prayer service at the Cardijn House Chapel in Bukit Nanas, Kuala Lumpur on January 23.
Social mission at core of Penang Diocese Lenten campaign
In conjunction with Lenten Campaign 2024, Caritas Penang presented a total of RM269,200 to 29 parishes and 10 Social Mission organisations...