Celebrating differences in autism

On April 7, the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes (OLL) celebrated World Autism Awareness Day, an initiative championed for the first time...

Sister Enda – A ‘birdsong’ for legions of Assunta schoolgirls has passed on

Since arriving in then Malaya in 1954, Sister Enda Ryan (Sister Enda) was like a battery that was nowhere close to running out

‘Despite our ordination, we remain human’

Annually, during the Chrism Mass, priests across the Diocese of Keningau convene with the bishop at Dataran Keuskupan Keningau, renewing...

Ten years of prison ministry outreach

The prison ministry in the Diocese of Penang began 10 years ago, in June 2014, when one man, who was very moved by the Gospel text in...

SIGNIS Malaysia Celebrates Pope Francis’ Spiritual and Pastoral Leadership

In an era of rapid technological evolution that is affecting the world of information and communication, Pope Francis stands as a...

Universality, fraternity the ‘way forward’ of the Church, says Malaysian cardinal

“With the digital world today, we can continue the Pentecostal experience… to come out there and face the world [and] every culture without fear,” said Cardinal Sebastian Francis, Bishop of Penang.