True leadership begins with inner transformation

Leaders of the Church of St Anthony gathered for a day of recollection April 27, to delve into a day of spiritual nourishment and growth...

Catholic Nurses Guild of Sandakan advocates for Blood Donation Campaign

On 17 March 2024, the Sandakan Catholic Nurses Guild (CNG), together with the Parish Pastoral Council of St. Mary’s Cathedral Sandakan and...

Equipping catechists to lead their ‘little lambs’

The Catechetical team of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur organised a dynamic one-day Catechetical Skill Workshop aimed at enhancing the...

Celebrating differences in autism

On April 7, the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes (OLL) celebrated World Autism Awareness Day, an initiative championed for the first time...

Sister Enda – A ‘birdsong’ for legions of Assunta schoolgirls has passed on

Since arriving in then Malaya in 1954, Sister Enda Ryan (Sister Enda) was like a battery that was nowhere close to running out

‘Despite our ordination, we remain human’

Annually, during the Chrism Mass, priests across the Diocese of Keningau convene with the bishop at Dataran Keuskupan Keningau, renewing...