Communicators in the region continue to share resources and collaborate, to bring the Church...
In response to the Holy Father’s call to reflect on the Internet, the human relationship between one another and the communion with God, the Commission maintains its strong belief in the exigency of taking the mission of the Good News to the people and “encountering” the people where they are now
Franciscan friars gather at assembly in preparation for Chapter
The week of July 1 – 5, saw the gathering of Franciscan Friars from the Custody of St Anthony gathering at the Stella Maris Retreat Centre in the Diocese of Penang.
Malaysia’s indigenous people protest forced conversions
Orang Asli say the government is not only taking their land but also changing their religion
Bishop Sim on devotion of Sacred Heart of Jesus
Parishioners of Sacred Heart Cathedral (SHC) here were given an opportunity to know and understand the deeper meaning and purpose of their devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in preparation for their parish feast day celebration on June 27.
A thank-you note from a Muslim to the Sisters of the Infant Jesus
My best friend who was from a boarding school once told me, “I don’t get this strong emotional attachment of convent girls with their schools. It’s like there is this ghost umbilical cord between you guys.”
New Ambassador meets Pope in Rome, sporting baju Melayu
June 11, 2019. Malaysian Ambassador to the Vatican, Westmoreland Anak Edward Palon yesterday delivered his credentials to the pope in Rome, dressed in a baju Melayu and accompanied by members of his family.