Some 519 terrorism suspects detained in Malaysia

The government is drafting a National Action Plan (Nap) based on “several guidelines set by international bodies,” said Home Affairs minister.

Continue the missionary spirit in Malaysia, Nuncio urges

“We must continue the missionary spirit in Malaysia; the great evangelisation of faith from the past to present, in line with the Gospel values of giving what we have received,” said Archbishop Joseph Marino at the Assumption Church’s Feastday celebrations August 14.

2019 National Day-Malaysia Day Message from Catholic Bishops Conference of Malaysia

As we come together to celebrate 62 years of Merdeka and the 56th anniversary of the formation of Malaysia, we pause to reflect upon the many blessings that God has showered upon us as individuals, Catholics and as a nation.

‘Dwindling La Salle brothers worrying’

The dwindling numbers of La Salle brother-teachers in the country and worldwide is worrying.

Giving witness to the power of the Holy Spirit

On Saturday 20 July, leaders from Holy Cross Ministry of Deliverance & Healing, Kuching, ran a full day workshop comprising of 4 “final sessions” related to the power of the Holy Spirit, at Assumption Church Parish Centre, Petaling Jaya.

Learning to age gracefully

Seniors should remember that they are made in the image and likeness of God and focus on living life to the fullest.