Education Minister appreciates the tremendous contribution of Mission schools

No further action will be taken against Methodist Girls Primary School (MGS Primary) over the recent controversy that had arisen over its Awards Ceremony and Speech Day that took place on 27 September.

Ministry for East Malaysians established in Penang

The Church of the Immaculate Conception has started a new ministry, the East Malaysian Fellowship (EMF).

St Anne’s Church in Penang gets minor basilica status

The iconic St Anne’s Church in Bukit Mertajam has been raised to the ranks of a minor basilica.

Gereja St Anne di Pulau Pinang menerima status basilika kecil

Gereja St Anne yang ikonik di Bukit Mertajam telah dinaikkan ke darjat sebuah basilika kecil.

Pope sends thanks to Johor Sultan for commuting death sentences of three Mexicans

Pope Francis has sent a message to Johor's Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar, thanking him for commuting the death sentences of three Mexican brothers for drug trafficking crimes.

SOCCOM head: ‘New hope for the media to enjoy press freedom’

There is new hope for the media in Malaysia to enjoy a higher level of press freedom.