CDM Penang’s next go green venture — rooftop vegetable garden

The Church of Divine Mercy (CDM) was awarded the “Green Office Certificate” by the Penang Green Council of the state government in 2019.

Assumption parish honouring the elderly

In honour of the International Day of Older Persons, the Church of the Assumption celebrated a Mass for its senior parishioners on Sunday, 4 Oct at 11.30am.

CHARIS Malaysia gets endorsement from Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia

The purpose of CHARIS is to provide a new, single, international service for the needs of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) in the Church. CHARIS is the international service organism for all expressions of the CCR.

Containing new Sabah outbreak of COVID-19

The Church is seriously pitching in to contain the new Sabah outbreak of COVID-19 that erupted across the State in the past fortnight or so.

Three Catholic chapels in Penampang renamed to mark 130 years of Good News

Fr Wilfred Atin, parish priest of St Michael Church, has renamed three chapels located in Sukang Mabpai, Tiku and Buayan after considering some pastoral reasons and after consulting the communities in the areas.

Listening to Voices on the Ground: a Nationwide Consultation of local Communities and Parishes

In January 2020, the Catholic Bishops Conference of Malaysia established Caritas Malaysia. Caritas meaning charity or love, is “an essential part of the Church” and it “institutionalizes love in the Church,” says Pope Francis.