Green Hunt promotes environmental awareness

Seventy-three participants of all ages and diverse faiths explored Brickfields on foot for the first-ever Laudato Si’ Green Hunt...

31 years of belonging and happiness

During the week long 75th birthday celebration of Bishop Cornelius Piong with his fellow brother bishops from the Catholic Bishops'...

The Journey of Synodality continues

This year’s 114th Plenary Assembly of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei (CBCMSB) was held at the serene and...

Triple celebration at College General seminary

College General Major Seminary hosted a special triple celebration on June 19, marking a significant day for the institution.

Archdiocese KK’s Biblical Commission kickstarts July Bible Month

The Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu’s Biblical Commission geared up for the July Bible Month with a meeting with 110 participants from...

Annual Malaysian Catechetical Commission Meeting 2024

The Malaysian Catechetical Commission (MCC), which is a consultative body to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, recently held...