Sacred Heart Caritas joins relief efforts for Ukraine
SACRED Heart Caritas answered the call made by Caritas Malaysia to join the global Caritas Confederation in their appeal to support the...
Keeping alive the legacy of Cardinal Soter
The legacy of Malaysia’s first cardinal has been written in to the annals of history in a book titled, The Cardinal: The Life and Times...
SHC prays for world peace, especially for Ukraine, in solidarity with the Universal Church
In a letter to the clergy, religious and laity, Archbishop John Wong called on all Catholics in the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu to answer...
Chrism Mass celebrated in Sandakan Diocese
The celebration of Chrism Mass was held on Wednesday, March 9 at the Cathedral of St Mary. Rt Rev Julius Dusin Gitom, Bishop of Sandakan...
An inside look at the Mass
The Mass explained from the inside out: this was the unique experience of some 120 plus parishioners who filled the Church of Divine Mercy for A Walk-through Mass recently.
Former SJPS principal, Fr Francis Lim Chin Choy SJ appointed new MAS Socius
He was appointed the new MAS Socius by the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Fr Arturo Sosa SJ on 15 March 2022.