CFM sends Wesak Day Greetings to Buddhists
On behalf of the Christian community we extend our warmest greetings to all our Buddhist brothers and sisters as they celebrate this year the auspicious WESAK DAY...
Archbishop Julian Leow spends anniversary with the homeless
On Archbishop Julian Leow’s 20th sacerdotal anniversary, he surprised several Street Feeders of KL volunteers with his presence, just as...
About 160 from SHC Neocatechumenal Communities Celebrate Easter at CAC
The five communities of the Neocatechumenal Way in the Sacred Heart Cathedral (SHC) Parish here celebrated Easter Vigil on Saturday...
Remembering Fr Alex Sipanul
A multitude rushed to the rectory of Holy Trinity Inobong parish when the sad news of the sudden death of Fr Alex Sipanul on Apr 9 reached the faithful.
Blessed Sacrament Labuan keeps Msgr Cuarteron memories alive
On 3 April under the hot glaring sun, 50 faithful gathered at the grotto for prayers to begin the pilgrimage.
KL prelate highlights four pillars of priestly life
Priests from the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur gathered at the Cathedral of St John the Evangelist for the Chrism Mass on April 5.