Double celebration for Labuan parish for Feast of Corpus Christi
ARCHBISHOP John Wong’s pastoral visit this year to the Church of Blessed Sacrament Labuan to celebrate our parish Feast Day, the Solemnity...
Living out the identity of a Legion of Mary
Over 105 members of the Legion of Mary (LOM) attended a half-day recollection organised by the LOM Kota Kinabalu Comitium on Jun 18 at the...
Fr Christopher James Lee, loved by all he served
Fr Christopher James Lee passed away suddenly at the MAJODI Centre, June 14, age 56.
“You are my Beloved”
MONDAY after Pentecost Sunday, nine members of the Archdiocesan Family Life Commission (AFLC) consisting of a priest, a religious sister and seven laity held their recollection at Nulu Gundi, Keningau from Jun 5-6.
Celebrating 25 years of God’s faithfulness
The Church of St Anthony celebrated the 25th sacerdotal anniversary of its parish priest, Fr Dr Clarence Devadass, on June 6 with a Mass.
CBCMSB congratulates Archbishop William Goh on his appointment to College of Cardinals
Archbishop William Goh, 65, of Singapore became the first archbishop-head from Singapore to be named a cardinal by Pope Francis and the third from the Conference of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei.