Canossians celebrate 250th anniversary of the birth of their foundress
The Church of St Louis hosted the 250th anniversary celebration of the birth of St Magdalen of Canossa on September 15, themed Set Life on Fire.
Celebrating, Listening, and Walking Together
The Peninsular Malaysia Regional Pastoral Assembly 2024 (RPA2024), held from August 25-27 at the MAJODI Centre, brought together 427...
Malaysia Day 2024: Message from Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia (CBCM)
For Malaysia Day, as Malaysian citizens, beyond slogans and words, let us sincerely join hands and work for nation building, to be truly one people of Malaysia...
Malacca: Nuns and Portuguese Mission in court over convent property
The Canossian Sisters (Daughters of Charity), led by their mother superior, with the help of the Portuguese Mission in China and Singapore...
CFM Merdeka and Malaysia Day 2024 Statement
The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) wishes all Malaysians a Selamat Hari Kebangsaan and Hari Malaysia 2024.
No to preaching Islam in non-Muslim places of worship
The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Taoism (MCCBCHST) has expressed concern over recent...