Annual retreat for Initiation Year seminarians 2022

AFTER coping with the changes that stem from a seminarian’s life for over two terms, an annual retreat was a fitting program for the eight...

Caritas Malaysia contributes Euro20,000 for flood relief efforts in Pakistan

Caritas Malaysia has given Euro20,000 for flood relief efforts in Pakistan as floods triggered by the heaviest recorded monsoon rains in a...

‘THE WILD GOOSE’ and Ongoing Formation

What is ‘The Wild Goose?’ The name itself is an ancient Celtic word for the Holy Spirit.

Third year environmental campaign launched

An Eucharistic celebration was held at Sacred Heart Cathedral here on 31 August 2022 to launch the Year 3 environmental campaign “Protect...

ArchKL begins year dedicated to families

The Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur commenced a year of activities dedicated to the family, after the 10th World Meeting of Families which...

Getting to know the roles of the church communities

MORE than 500 participants from various communities of Holy Family Telipok, Church of Divine Mercy, Good Shepherd Manggatal and St...