Radio Veritas Asia suspension revoked

In a statement dated August 10, the Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences (FABC) president, Cardinal Charles Bo, officially announced...

New Malaysia cardinal cautions against fomenting division at synod

Malaysia’s new cardinal, Sebastian Francis of Penang, has said the upcoming Synod of Bishops on Synodality ought to be an open process...

New cardinal in Malaysia on his appointment: ‘There goes my privacy!’

Malaysia’s new red hat recipient, Cardinal-Designate Sebastian Francis of Penang, has praised Pope Francis’s attention to the Asian...

First Mill Hill ordination in Sabah

The sacerdotal ordination of Deacon Elvost Lunchi on July 22 was a momentous occasion filled with joy and colour.

IJ Superiors visit Malaysian province

The Sisters of the Infant Jesus (IJS) in Malaysia joyfully welcomed their Superior General, Sr Brigitte Flourez, and her Asian Councillor, Sr Jane Sinprayoon, on June 30.

CARITAS organises Disaster Response Training

A training on Disaster Response was held in St Louis Church, Kluang on 19 July 2023 organised by Caritas Malacca Johore Diocese Office of Human Development (Caritas MJDOHD).