Church-State meet on fraternity and community harmony

In a gathering hosted at the official residence of the Kelantan menteri besar, Cardinal Sebastian Francis conveyed the Catholic Church’s...

First Rungus ordained as priest

Reverend Father Bradley Belly @ Stephen has become the first Rungus to be ordained as a priest. Reverend Father Bradley, who hails from...

CHARIS NSC elects new team for 2023-2026

CHARIS Malaysia National Service of Communion (NSC) held its 2nd Annual General Meeting on 25 October 2023 at the Archbishop’s residence...

‘Listening and Speaking with the Heart’ at the Regional Commission for Social Communication (RCSC)...

The annual meet of the Episcopal Regional Commission for Social Communication (RCSC) of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei (CBCMSB) was attended by 27 delegates

CBCMSB: Christmas Vigil and Christmas Day Masses 2023

This year Christmas Vigil 24 December 2023, falls on the 4th Sunday of Advent, while Christmas day 25 December 2023 falls on a Monday.

Minggu Solidariti Palestine: CBCM “greatly disturbed” by MOE Circular

The Catholic Church in Malaysia is greatly disturbed by the Ministry of Education circular dated 21st October 2023, instructing schools to organise Minggu Solidariti Palestine