A spirit-filled conclusion to the Rosary Month at Our Lady Queen of Peace, Sri...

In the gentle glow of evening light, parishioners gathered in unity and devotion at Our Lady Queen of Peace, Sri Aman, to mark the closing...

Sacred Heart Cathedral Thanksgiving Dinner 2024

The Sacred Heart Cathedral Thanksgiving Dinner this year was celebrated at Sacred Heart Centenary Hall on Friday, 25 October 2024...

Five more UoK members make pledges

Five more members of the Legion of Mary (LOM) English Praesidium named Undoer of Knots (UoK) declared their Legionary Promise.

Kuching to host international training on Prophetic Intercession

Catholic faithful in Kuching and beyond, including outside of Malaysia, will have a great opportunity of participating in an international...

Commissioning of New Prayer Leaders and Renewal of Commitment for Existing Leaders

On Saturday, 14 September 2024, the parish community of Sacred Heart Church, Kota Sentosa gathered in reverence for a solemn and...

SJC Parish Ladies Guild trip to Kalimantan

The 37 Ladies Guild members made an overland visit to West Kalimantan from 21–25 August 2024. This trip was especially special as the...