
International News

Pope to Papuans: God draws close to those who feel far away

At Sunday Mass in Port Moresby, Pope Francis says that those on the margins of society are united with God and with their fellow humans.

Day Three in Indonesia: ‘We are all connected’

“Be builders of hope,” Pope Francis told the over 100,000 Indonesian faithful gathered on Thursday afternoon to join him at Holy Mass in...

Pope at mosque in Indonesia: May we cultivate friendship as pilgrims on our way...

Pope Francis began the third day of his Apostolic Journey to Asia and Oceania on Thursday, 5 September, by visiting the Istiqlal Mosque...

Indonesia launches special stamp to commemorate Pope Francis’ visit

During the launch event at Jakarta Cathedral on Monday, September 2, 2024, Archbishop of Jakarta, Cardinal Ignatius Suharyo, expressed...

Pope Francis arrives in Jakarta, Indonesia

After more than 13 hours aboard the papal flight, Pope Francis lands in Jakarta, as he sets forth upon his 45th Apostolic Journey abroad...

Pope Francis entrusts his 45th Apostolic Journey to Mary, Salus Populi Romani

On Sunday 1 September, the eve of his 45th Apostolic Journey abroad, Pope Francis visited the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome to...