The Rosary as Family Prayer

"We need to return to the practice of family prayer and prayer for families, continuing to use the Rosary" (n. 41).

Divine Mercy Sunday: Mercy for Doubters

“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. Father, I have horrible doubts. Sometimes, I wonder if God exists. Sometimes, I think that He’s not concerned about me.

Before Easter comes the ‘Triduum’ – What’s that?

At the end of the season of Lent, and right before Easter, the Catholic Church observes the “Sacred Triduum.” Many Catholics have questions about what happens during the Triduum, and how they should observe this time.

Protecting our Children and the Vulnerable

John said to Jesus, ‘Master, we saw a man who is not one of us casting out devils in your name; and because he was not one of us we tried to stop him.’

Anda dialu-alukan!

Pada Khamis Suci yang lalu, saya meraikan upacara membasuh kali di Pusat Latihan Belia Montfort di Sabah. ...

You are welcome!

Last Holy Thursday, I celebrated the foot-washing ceremonies at the Montfort Youth Training Centre in Sabah.