From China to Borneo: ‘I hope God will bless the Church in Sarawak’

A thanksgiving dinner organised by the Kuching Archdiocesan Pastoral Council for his priestly anniversary-cum-96th birthday, was held on 9 October at the Christian Ecumenical Worship Centre (CEWC).

Vocation: From IT expert to Christ-centred Seminarian

Daniel Abela is a fourth year seminarian in the Archdiocese of Malta Diocesan Seminary. He arrived in Sarawak on 1 August 2024 as part of...

What the great St. Teresa shows us about true friendship with Christ

There’s a funny-but-true story about St. Teresa of Avila that reveals so much about her relationship with God. She was known for her...

From China to Borneo: Sarawak is now ‘home’ after 70 years

Archbishop Emeritus Dato Sri Peter Chung was ordained a priest by Bishop John Vos 70 years ago, on 26 September 1954. He had arrived in Kuching on 21 August as a young deacon.

Meet Cardinal-elect Tarcisius Isao Kikuchi of Tokyo

In a wide-ranging interview with Vatican Media, Cardinal-elect Tarcisius Isao Kikuchi of Tokyo, Japan, and President of Caritas...

Assembly to Celebrate, Listen and Walk as One Catholic Church in Sarawak

The first Sarawak Regional Pastoral Assembly (SRPA) was held at the Kemuyang Pastoral Centre, Sibu from 18–19 September 2024. 