Protecting our Children and the Vulnerable
John said to Jesus, ‘Master, we saw a man who is not one of us casting out devils in your name; and because he was not one of us we tried to stop him.’
Principal causes behind unkindness
What are some leading causes of heartless conflicts in life?
One look at kindness and its opponent gives the answer.
Kindness is being well-disposed toward our...
A Franciscan Journey: Interview with Friar David Au
Friar David Au, OFM shares with readers of Today’s Catholic his journey into the Franciscan Order and why the Franciscan vocation is so special to him.
A Year After: Faith in our merciful God – Remembering Bernard Then Ted Fen
It was on the Feast of the Ascension of our Lord on 14 May 2015, the very day when Bernard arrived in Sandakan, Sabah,...
Celebrating the Foundress of Discalced Carmelites, St Teresa of Avila
Celebration at Miri Carmel of the
5th Centenary of the birth of St Teresa of Jesus
1515 – 28th March – 2015
"I was born for You...
Question Corner: Giving more than one Host to a communicant
Q: Is it ever permitted to give a communicant more than one Eucharistic host at a time? The question arose because when taking Communion...