The Journey to Emmaus: a BSC youth outreach event

BSC Youths with Christina Eng (extreme right, standing), Head of Emmaus Youth Ministry. (Photo: BSC)

KUCHING — On 24 May 2019, the BSC Youth held a special outreach event at the Blessed Sacrament Church Hall from 7:30p.m. to 10:00p.m. The aim of the event was to invite more youths from the BSC parish to be part of the youth community and to encourage them to be more active in their spiritual lives.

The outreach event which was themed “On the Journey to Emmaus” reflected on the journey that the disciples took and was later joined by Jesus on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35).

The night started with a welcoming speech by one of the youth leaders, Gary Bong, and an opening prayer and address by the Church Rector, Fr. Felix Au. This was followed by a praise and worship session, led by the music ministry of the BSC Youth. An ice-breaking session was then held to lighten the mood and to allow the participants and the members of the ministry to get to know one another through games.

A video presentation was played soon after, to show the participants the various activities held by the youth ministry over the years. The highlight of the night would undoubtedly be the testimonies shared by the members of the BSC Youths on their own faith journey. The night was brought to a close with light refreshments and a group photo session.

The night did not garner as many youths as high hopes would have for, but as Fr. Felix said, “the numbers matter little, but the strength of love for Christ is what matters.” In the end, this rang true for the new participants as one of them, Sarah Wong, remarked, “It was really fun, and the praise and worship was great! The food is good too.”

The BSC Youths meet on Friday nights at St Monica’s Room (B206), Block B, Blessed Sacrament Church Kuching from 7.45 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. for prayers, community events and spiritual input.

Interested youths may log on to the parish website or contact youth leader, Cecelia Lai (0168930633) for more details.

Ambrose Eng Hoan Ting


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