The Journey of Establishing the SEGi Catholic Students Society

(Photo: Syalia Rosyita Mut)

By Syalia Rosyita Mut

“from one man’s dream to God’s glory and blessings to everybody”

KUCHING  On 9 September 2020, a group of students gathered in SEGi College Sarawak to have their meeting to establish a Catholic campus ministry group. The plan was started by Dylen Jau, a student there taking up a Diploma Course in Law. The chairman of Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Commission (KAYC), Fr Ramon Borja SDB, KAYC Youth Minister in-charge of campus ministry, Maria Amella, and the Club Advisor and faculty member of SEGi, Sharon Mohan, joined the meeting and gave the campus students support and guidance.

At the meeting, Dylen gave a brief introduction about campus ministry. He proposed to the group that they be called SCCS, SEGi Catholic Students Society, and that their vision be “to know, to Love and to serve God”. Dylen told everyone, “The society would be a medium for Catholic students in SEGi College to gather around and pray together while building a good relationship with God and among one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. SCSS will also take care of the spiritual and integral welfare of the Catholic students in SEGi.” (Dylen Jau in SCSS Launching Ceremony, 2020).

After all the preliminaries, they held an election of the heads of the various committees for SCCS. These elected leaders of the society will be serving from 2020 to 2021.

After some preparatory meetings, the day came for the formal and official inauguration of the society. On 17 October 2020, SEGi Catholic Students Society (SCSS) was officially launched. It has become duly recognised by the SEGi College Management and by the Archdiocese of Kuching. 

The presence and invaluable support of Sharon Mohan, the Advisor of SCSS, of Ng, the Student Affairs Officer of SEGi College, and the team from Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Commission, namely Fr Ramon Borja SDB, Fr Andre Belo SDB, and youth ministers Maria Amella and Julian Sim, made this inauguration official. On the part of the students, around 20 of them participated in this historic ceremony.

Installation day. (Photo: Syalia Rosyita Mut)

The nine committees of SCCS were also installed during this formal event. Apart from having a formal ceremony, all attendees had a lively Sing-Along session before the ceremony started, while waiting for the arrival of all guests and participants. And after the ceremony ended, everyone enjoyed a simple but hearty brunch at the SEGi College cafeteria.

A simple interview session with the founder of SCSS, Dylen Jau, took place too. During the interview, when asked by the interviewer about his reasons for establishing SCCS and his hopes for its future, Dylen, filled with optimism, said, “I really hope that SCCS would serve its prime purpose, that this be used by the members to be closer to God and, secondly, closer to one another and to serve the community too, as what people of good will, Catholic students, should be and do. We must always do what we should based on our vision-mission, that is, to know, to love and to serve our God. 

“It’s good to remember the past, the time where there was no SCSS yet, and to see the present, the establishment of SCSS. There must be a difference, an improvement. Now we can do things officially and with recognition to praise and serve God as Catholic students. We must use this opportunity of a new phase where we have this society to be our medium to love God even more.”

In summary, establishing something requires a lot of confidence and motivation. Nobody knows what would happen in the future. And so it is important to persevere in founding something noble. Fortunately, in God, everything is possible as long as our reasons for what we embark on is to love and serve Him.

As the Bible verse that always inspires Dylen Jau goes, “My help comes from the Lord, the maker heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:2). Let us always believe in God that He is helping us when we are doing something good. To serve our God is our top priority in doing everything. Let that be the key of our success.

For the new Catholic students intake of SEGi College Sarawak Year 2021, we are so happy to invite you to be part of the SCSS family members. In God’s time and grace, you will also be part of its dedicated servant-leaders. Be inspired and be inspiring.

For any inquiries, please contact the SCCS president, Dylen Jau (011 31768511) or the SCCS vice president, Davidson Dell (017 817 1204).

May SCCS be God’s instrument to bless us all and our instrument to give our praises to God and be blessings to all.

Photo: Syalia Rosyita Mut


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