The Call of the Holy Spirit

By Caroline Soon & Stephen Chin

KUCHING — The second Alpha online course which began on 4 July, was named AlphaDM as it was a collaboration between Divine Mercy Sarawak (DMS) and the Pan Malaysia Alpha team. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the team consists of members from both the West and East Malaysian churches. The first Pan Malaysian Alpha in the Catholic Context online was in the month of April 2021, launched on Divine Mercy Sunday. The call of the Holy Spirit was evident, so almost immediately after the first course ended, we embarked on AlphaDM.

FAN INTO FLAME THE GIFT OF DIVINE MERCY, was the tagline adopted for this AlphaDM course. Initial target was only for 100, but soon we realised that people were registering at a pace faster than we could cope. Noticing that the Bahasa-speaking community was also keen to attend, the core team decided to split the language groups, plus adding on Youth Alpha. Fr John Gnanapiragasam who heads Alpha in the KL Archdiocese advised that ‘no one should be excluded.’ There was then no end to the targets until the course finally started on 4 July; we had almost 400 guests: 200 for English Alpha, 100 Youth Alpha, and 100 for BM Alpha, in three separate platforms.

The team had all learnt along this journey that when the Lord calls, an aspiring disciple of the Lord would answer, HERE I AM LORD. Fr Martin Arlando, throughout the journey in Alpha, and continuing till this date, feeds us inspirations from the diary of St Faustina. Aptly, even as we shared our story, the diary speaks to us, ‘How long am I to put up with you, and how long are you going to keep Me waiting?’

Including Fr John and Fr Martin, we were very blessed to have a total of eight priests throughout Malaysia on this journey with us. This is the power and creativity of our GOD at full display. HE knows the hunger in his flock in this pandemic time, HE has provided the manna for all who are hungry. From all the different parishes, we have tasted the manna and now must go out and proclaim the Good News. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who does the work of conversion and we are merely his instruments. As we surrender to the Holy Spirit, we see the conversion in ourselves as we allow the light of the Holy Spirit to shine through us. Together with the eight priests as our co-spiritual directors, we share our vulnerability in our testimonies. We rise above human tendencies for conflicts and turn them into opportunities for grace to work in us, for the glory of God.

A key part of Alpha is the hosting of small groups. Many were hosting for the first time, and with such a large group of Alpha participants, in addition to taking on the challenge of working on technology, we need to ensure that the message of GOD will be heard by all in the comfort of their own homes. Humility and egos aside, with GOD’s AI (Almighty Intelligence), we are all set at the same level, no one higher or lower but simply to see GOD glorified in the Alpha course. Through the sharing by each of the participants in the small groups, we all heard how God has touched us in our life journeys, helping uplift each other in this process. The course took 11 weeks and relationships were created, fostered and strengthened. In the 11 weeks, the key was “Zooming” with each other to get to know Jesus Christ.

As usual for any Alpha course, the highlight is the Holy Spirit weekend; it is so called as it involves everyone getting to know who the Holy Spirit is and how we can get to know Him better and to allow the Holy Spirit into our lives completely. Fr Andy Lee from St Anthony Church, Bintulu parish led us through a spirit-filled session. Our faith, experienced as a community of believers, has brought us all into a better relationship with Jesus Christ.

Archbishop Simon delivering his closing address.

We have a few non-Christians journeying with us on the AlphaDM course. At the end of the course, three decided to take a leap of faith by joining the RCIA and to be baptised as full members of the body of Christ on Easter next year. Praise the Lord.

In bringing a truly spirit-filled Alpha to a close and following the Spirituality of Divine Mercy, we appeal to everyone to do a corporal work of mercy. We raised a total of RM9,860 from all participants, and the money was distributed to the Little Sisters of the Poor in Penang (RM2,000), the Little Sisters of the Poor in Cheras (RM1,760), and RM6,100 to the Home of Peace in Kuching. We thank the Lord for HIS generosity and continued Providence.

AlphaDM ended on 12 September. But the closeness of the relationship continues as the groups pledge to stay in touch, to pray and praise God together. The main hosts’ group consisting of 55 persons continue to stay in touch with prayer requests, sharing joys and sorrows, as we enjoy each other’s company on this journey.

As a follow up after Alpha, the working team has roped in more missionary disciples to organize Lectio Bible Study on Mary, to be launched on 13 October 2021. At the last count, we have registered more than 220 participants. The collaboration of the Pan Malaysian Church is a sign of God’s grace at work, where we strive for unity in the Body of Christ.

The Spirit of God rests upon me,
The Spirit of God sanctifies me,
The Spirit of God sends me to proclaim
God’s love, peace and joy.


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