Teenagers’ Rally 2023 – Teens’ Thirst for God

Praise and worship session led by Christ Teens, Miri. (Photo: CAA Collective)

By Natasha Ch’ng (Christ Teens Miri)

MIRI — The “Teenagers’ Rally” (previously known as “Youth Rally”), is an annual gathering for teenagers to learn more about God’s power, authority, and sovereignty and to have a personal experience with God. It is organised by the Christ Teens team, which actively involved youths, many of whom are also teenagers, in the organisation and running of the 3-day programme.

The 2023 Teenagers’ Rally was held at Imperial Hotel, Miri from 31 August to 2 September 2023. More than 800 participants from various parishes of Miri Diocese (Miri, Batu Niah, Bintulu, Limbang, Sungai Asap, Tatau, Sebauh, Marudi, Long San, Lapok and Belaga), as well as some participants from other dioceses, attended the rally, which was themed “The Lord is My Refuge”. 

The 2013 rally was especially significant as it was the first full rally held after the pandemic years which left a significant negative emotional and spiritual impact on the children. Hence, the 2023 theme, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1) was chosen. Rev Fr Sylvester Ngau and Rev Fr Henry Saleh from St Joseph’s Cathedral Parish shared their profound insights with the teenagers on how they can recognise that God is a place of shelter as well as an everlasting sufficient source of strength.

Many topics were covered during the 3-day gathering. The first talk, “Life Behind My Mask,” acknowledged the reality that most of us hide behind a mask we created for ourselves in order to shield ourselves from unpleasant life situations. Fr Sylvester assured us that in spite of all the relationship problems and obstacles that we encounter in our lives, “Jesus loves us just as we are and wants us to be who He created us to be.”

Teenagers responding to Fr Henry’s talk.

In his talk, “He’ll Call On Me and I Will Answer Him”, Fr Henry reminded us that no matter what challenges come our way, we are to keep in mind that Jesus is constantly by our side, holding our hands, protecting us from any danger. It is only when we put our faith in Him that we will find the strength and courage we need in this life. Jesus is our only salvation. Although God gave mankind free will, God always patiently waits for us to respond to his invitation of salvation.

In the talk “Selfless, not Selfie”, Fr Henry spoke of love and service. As children of God, our focus should be directed outwards to our fellow men and not inwardly directed into ourselves. We are all called to love and to serve God and fellow man as Jesus taught us with the two (2) great commandments in Matthew 22:36-40 instead of being self-serving. In the dedicated life-long service of both God and man, Fr Henry welcomed the young people to consider becoming a priest or a religious. 

Fr Sylvester praying over the teens.

“Be faithful to God where you are now, giving Him your best,” was a message from Fr Sylvester to the teens at the end of the last talk “Maximum Strength For God”. We should give God our total being, our joys and sorrows, our fears and anxieties, our triumphs and despairs, our everything. At all times, we need to give our all for God and at all times, God must be the first in our lives.

Throughout the event, teenagers shared their feelings and the struggles they experienced during the pandemic when the life they had known as “normal” seemed to have disappeared overnight. They also learnt to open up and surrender all the emotions they had repressed and they experienced the work of the Holy Spirit in them. During the altar call, there was tremendous response as the young people accepted Jesus to be their Saviour and Healer and laid all their hidden pains and burdens at His feet. During the healing session many experienced healing in their spirits and emotions. The Holy Spirit filled the hall during the praise and worship sessions every day. 

A number of fun activities were also held for which prizes were given. Teams from the different parishes vied for placings in the bible quiz, faith quiz, and scripture memory quiz. The drama competition titled “Mercy” saw great acting skills from the teams of three (3) parishes. 

“Mercy”—a drama team in action.

The 3-day event ended with a Mass celebrated by Fr Sylvester Ngau, Fr Henry Salleh and Fr Stephen Esguerra, a visiting priest from the Diocese of Sandakan.

As the young people headed home, it is hoped that they have been refreshed in the Holy Spirit, found a closer relationship with God with their faith rekindled, discerned a sense of purpose and mission, made new friends and experienced a sense of solidarity with fellow Catholic youths.

What do the teens say?

  1. “The talks really touched me and related to me in many ways, especially in the aspect of life as a Christian youth. I was very impressed with Fr Sylvester and Fr Henry that they were able to make their talks appealing and interesting to youths and yet deep on a spiritual level.” (19 year-old girl)
  2. “I feel closer to God after the Rally. I encountered His presence during the healing session.” (14 year-old boy)
  3. “The Rally has really brightened my day. From the clueless person I was, I now understand more of what God should be in my life. I hope I can join again next year.” (15 year-old boy)
  4. “I felt so happy and I had so much fun. And I know now that Jesus is my saviour and my healer.” (15 year old girl)


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