Fr Galvin Ngumbang speaking to the participants at Holy Trinity Church Hall. (Photo: HTC)

KUCHING — In line with the Extraordinary Year of Mission (EYM), Holy Trinity Church’s Parish Councillors organised a talk on Mission with Father Galvin Ngumbang, Chairman, Commission for Mission & Human Development as the invited speaker.

It was held on two consecutive Tuesdays, 5 March & 12 March 2019 at Holy Trinity Church, attended by about 80 English speaking participants from different parishes in Kuching.

The programme was divided into four (4) sessions focusing on the following topics:

Session 1: Extraordinary Year For Mission

Session 2: Church and Mission

Session 3: Evangelisation

Session 4: Workshop

Father Galvin explained that the purpose for this EYM is to re-awaken the awareness of the Missio Ad Gentes where it establishes evangelisation as a fundamental Mission of the Catholic Church.

There is a need for hearts to be renewed through activities in order to help communities grow in missionary and evangelism and this can be done through the four (4) points namely: A personal encounter with Jesus Christ living in His church; Testimony: Missionary Saints, Martyrs and Confessors of the faith; Missionary Formation; and Missionary Charity.

In essence, the importance of evangelisation is that WE who are baptised are agents of evangelisation (missionary disciples) and WE are the church. The mission of the church is to evangelise where the core of evangelisation is through personal witness by sharing what we know and experience.

Evangelisation is not about changing others but rather create opportunity for the Holy Spirit to work through us.

The programme ended with a simple workshop with discussion time focusing on the question “What can I do as a person / in my Parish / group in this Extraordinary Year of Mission?”

Alan Chen


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