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Tag: Zoom

Hundreds attend virtual Life in the Spirit Seminar

From 4-25 August, the Light of Jesus Christ Covenant Community took their first initiative to run a virtual Life in the Spirit Seminar via Zoom.

Stories of trials and triumph at monthly Rosary Meet

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary/Sts Chastan and Imbert parish’s August Rosary meet included a meditation on the pandemic desert experience and testimonies from parishioners.

Amidst Covid-19, KCM moves on!

No lockdown nor pandemic has barred Kuching Campus Ministry to hold its new committee election and its welcoming gathering.

St Joseph Altar Servers hold Zoom rosary prayer

St Joseph Altar Servers gather online at least once a week to remind themselves that they are “prayer leaders” and continue to serve GOD.


The first THINKTALK session was held on a Friday evening (30 April) via Zoom with a total of 14 youth and young adult participants from the different parishes within the Archdiocese of Kuching.

Emmaus adakan ‘sesi pelayanan’ pertama menerusi Zoom

Kumpulan ‘Emmaus Servant Community’ dari Gereja Blessed Sacrament mengadakan Kelompok Doa Zoom mingguannya pada April 28 dengan satu ‘sesi pelayanan’.
