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Tag: World Mission Sunday

Global Catholic population rising as number of priests, religious falls

As every year, in view of World Mission Sunday taking place this year on 22 October, the Vatican’s Fides news agency has released a...

Celebrating World Mission Sunday 2022

Celebrating World Mission Sunday 2022 and giving thanks for the 400th Anniversary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.


普世教会每年在十月的倒数第二个主日庆祝世界传教主日。今年它落在 2021年10月24日。

Pope to missionaries: thank you for your witness at a high price

On the Sunday on which the Church celebrates World Mission Sunday, Pope Francis addressed his thanks to those who spend their lives bearing witness to the Gospel.

Cardinal Tagle: An encounter with the Lord is always missionary

World Mission Day 2021, with the theme “We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard”, will be celebrated throughout the Church this Sunday, October 24th.

World Mission Sunday 2021: Mission with Compassion

In 1926, Pope Pius XI instituted World Mission Sunday, to be celebrated in all the local Churches as the feast of catholicity and universal solidarity.
