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Iraq’s Christians observe ‘Nineveh Fast’ for peace in Middle East

Patriarch Louis Raphaël Sako, the head of Iraq’s Chaldean Catholic Church, is leading his country’s Christians in a three-day fast for...

Sr. Nabila: World leaders must open their eyes on catastrophe in Gaza

Sister Nabila Saleh of the Holy Family Catholic Parish in Gaza speaks to Vatican News about the two parishioners killed by Israeli snipers...

Patriarch Pizzaballa consecrates Holy Land to Immaculate Heart of Mary

In the midst of the war between Israel and Hamas, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, consecrates the...

Patriarch Pizzaballa fears long war in Gaza, calls for ceasefire

Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, is saddened, but not entirely surprised, by the horror taking place in...

Synod Assembly prays for peace in Middle East amid Israel-Hamas war

The Synod General Assembly dedicated Thursday morning's prayer to praying for peace, especially in the Holy Land, with the Patriarch of...

Sisters in Ukraine: Choosing life in the midst of war

Sister Teodora Shulak, Superior General of the Redemptorist sisters, shares her reflections and her interior struggles in the face of...
