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Panggilan Hidup Saya

Keluarga kecil kami dahulunya hanya pergi sembahyang setiap hari minggu dan bergerak aktif dalam Blok Rosari di taman perumahan kami...


主内的弟兄姐妹们,祝大家平安。我是卓晓枫修女(Sr. Anne Toh),来自诗巫。

Archdiocese calls for more men and women who will serve as priest or religious

Why aren’t young men and women entering religious life today? What do the young think about consecrated life? How then can we tell today’s youth about the beauty and the good of consecrated life?

Paderi ke-30 ditahbis di Katedral St Joseph

KUCHING — Keuskupan Agung Kuching bergembira apabila jemaatnya menyaksikan paderi ke-30, John Ekly Direk, ditahbis di Katedral St Joseph.

Archdiocese of Kuching blessed with a new priest

KUCHING — The Archdiocese of Kuching rejoiced as her faithful witnessed the 30th priest, John Ekly Direk, being ordained in St Joseph’s Cathedral on 2 May 2019.