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Kuching girl answers God’s call to Daughters of Divine Charity England

On 28 August 2021, the feast of St Augustine, I made my final vows as a Daughter of Divine Charity in England.

Vietnamese diocese blessed with 34 new priests

As Vietnam battles its worst surge in the Covid-19 pandemic, Vinh Diocese has been blessed with an abundance of priestly vocations.

Archbishop: Scaled down Diaconate Ordination, hopeful of new vocations

The chief shepherd of the archdiocese here, Tuesday, ordained Wilson Francis as a Deacon in front of some 150 priests, religious, guests and parishioners held at the St Simon Catholic Church Likas.

Paderi Herman Menjuan: warga Malaysia pertama ditahbiskan sebagai mubaligh Mill Hill

Pada 25 Oktober lalu, umat Katolik menyaksikan, menerusi siaran secara langsung di Youtube, warga Malaysia pertama yang ditahbiskan sebagai mubaligh Mill Hill di Paroki St Joseph Shaury Moyo, Nairobi, Kenya.

Fr Herman Menjuan, first Malaysian ordained as Mill Hill Missionary

On Oct 25, the Catholic faithful witnessed through live telecast via Youtube, the first Malaysian ordained as Mill Hill missionary at St Joseph’s Parish Shaury Moyo, Nairobi, Kenya.