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Jesuits: Companions of Christ

The first Jesuit set foot on the Malay peninsula in 1545, when St Francis Xavier arrived in Malacca and ministered to the small Catholic...

Physical vocation seminar 2022 attracts 57

After a year that locks out any chance of a physical gathering, the recent vocation seminar for diocesan priesthood, which was...

Boy who embraced pope during WYD in Rio is now a young man discerning...

During World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, in 2013, a boy made his way through the crowd to hug Pope Francis tearfully.

Two sisters become nuns at the same time

Lourdes and Gloria Salgado are from Ciempozuelos, Spain. They’re the youngest of a large family and they’re part of Generation Z, the generation born around the year 2000 who are digital natives.

Another young lad ordained priest for Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Although Wilson Francis’ ordination was postponed twice due to the pandemic, but the grace of God is with him always.

Gadis Kuching sahut panggilan Tuhan untuk menyertai perkumpulan ‘Daughters of Divine Charity’ di England

Pada 28 Ogos 2021, hari raya Santo Augustine, saya telah memberi ikrar kaul terakhir saya sebagai seorang Anak Perempuan Kasih Ilahi (Daughter of Divine Charity) di England.