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Tag: Vocation

70th anniversary of Pope Francis’ discovery of vocation to priesthood

Seventy years ago, on 21 September 1953, the young Jorge Mario Bergoglio - now Pope Francis - went to confession before a party and had...

Law graduate enters seminary in service of God and his Church

Augustine Joseph Chen, O.P. is a Kuching youth born to Cecilia and Anselm Chen who went to study Law in Oxford, England but found his...

Called to love, serve and heal

Seminarian George Vaithynathan was ordained a transitional deacon on August 17 at the Church of the Sacred Heart.

Honouring a life devoted to Christ

Fr Francis’ religious journey began in 1966, at age 26 when he was ordained as a Gabrielite Brother. He worked in the...

The Pilgrims St Joachim 12th Mile hold Youth Easter Gathering

Following the pandemic's break, the St Joachim 12th Mile youths were pleased to host the annual Youth Easter Gathering on Vocation Sunday...

Thank cloistered nuns and monks on November 21 with prayer

November 21 was instituted as a day to pray for all cloistered women and men religious, thanking them for their prayers for us.